"You’ve got the brains"

Sandra Doller

You’ve got the brains I’ve got the books let’s lose lots of money. It’s all come down to shade. Shadow fill in the blanks and box checker, is that the new dead job, the one they’re handing out with diplomat diplomas these d-days. Did you just say disciple or am I fantasizing again. Like at the grocery in line for crepes and the little boy with the twister shirt on begins to sing into the microphone like he never left it. There I go again you say, what is it with the world and percentages. I am nine times nine of myself and still too much. If he wasn’t that kind of doctor what would he be. This referent refers to nothing and I draw a tree to prove it. You and I decided these rules long ago when we were babies, the babies of humanity, decided it all. That might not be the problem.